
Day of Action: Everyday ableism Friday 27 November 2020 1pm – 2pm

Everyday ableism

Ableism is discrimination in favour of non-disabled people. It is based on an assumption that the physical, cognitive and sensory...

Day of Action: Organising Disabled Workers’ Wednesday 25 November 2020 1pm – 2pm

Day of action: organising disabled workers

Register here Covid-19 has disproportionately impacted on disabled workers from being denied reasonable adjustments to being the first to be...

Keeping universities running during the pandemic – the importance of supporting ARPS staff: 16 November 5-6pm

Keeping universities running during the pandemic – the importance of supporting ARPS staff

Watch back: Join our discussion about the importance of the work academic-related and professional services staff are undertaking to keep...

London & SE FE briefing: Wed 2 September, 12-1pm

London and South East FE regional briefing

This regional briefing will update you on the funding environment, political context and the potential financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on FE institutions, and provide you with practical guidance and advice on defending jobs and ensuring that the reopening of FE colleges is safe for staff and students.

Back to school: organising to win in 2020-21

World famous trade union organiser Jane McAlevey talks to UCU members and general secretary Jo Grady about growing your branch,...

Covid-19 and employment law, including redundancies - Tuesday 11 August, 1-2pm

Covid-19 and employment law, including redundancies

Speakers include leading employment law academics Michael Ford QC and Alan Bogg.

Protecting staff on casualised contracts: online, Tuesday 28 July, 12.30-2pm

Protecting staff on casualised contracts

Members on casualised contracts are at the front line of the cuts being made as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. Join us to hear about how the Fund the Future campaign can be used to protect these members and to hear from activists leading the fight against the threats

Online and blended teaching: 15 July, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Online and blended teaching

A webinar for branch officers exploring some of the challenges faced by UCU members given uncertainty over delivery demands in the autumn

Studying institutional finances

Studying institutional finances

A UCU webinar for branch officers with highly regarded author and expert on student loan accounting, Andrew McGettigan

A practical guide to equality bargaining: 10 August 2020 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

A practical guide to equality bargaining

Online discussion about putting equality at the heart of UCU's bargaining agenda.

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